
We offer Laser Show Software and ILDA Interfaces for Windows & Mac OS X

RayComposer Animation Editor

Create beautiful laser graphics in a glimpse.

RayComposer Timeline Editor

Our timeline editor lets you create laser shows perfectly in sync with the music.

RayComposer USB

Our High Performance Laser Show Interface - The link to your laser projector.


RayComposer 1.6

Highlight of the newest Software Release

Version 1.6, the newest Release of our RayComposer Laser Software is now available for Download.

Additional to many detail enhancements several completely new functions have found their way in the newest release.

New is the concept of variables within the timeline, which can be remote-controlled by the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol. This enables you to use RayComposer not only for pre-programmed show projects, but also for interactive projects.

Another highlight of this release is the enhanced 3D Preview, which can now simulate the real projector configuration much better. For instance, you can now rotate projectors or decorate them with custom graphics.

The promise for our Mac OS X users, that no feature of the PC version will be missing on Mac could finally be fulfilled with this release. Exporting laser shows directly to video is the last feature that has been ported over from the PC version.

Behind the curtains of the software a lot has also improved - performance and stability have been increased a lot. The basis of the Software was updated to the latest Revision, so we can proudly say RayComposer is ready for the future. Windows 10 and Mac OS X El Capitain are readily supported. Who hits the limits of system RAM with demanding multimedia shows can now use the 64 bit build of the full version of our laser software, RayComposer Professional.

The pool of readily available pre-programmed shows is constantly growing. We will offer a selection of shows for download here soon.